Thursday, October 27, 2011

Standing Firm on the Authority of the Word of God

 I went to hear Dr. Ken Ham speak.  He's an apologetic speaker.  I don't mean he apologizes.  He's a creationist, but also more than that.  He insists that we must stand on the authority of the Word of God.  If we don't, we have LOST the fight against evolution ALREADY without having started the fight yet.  We must remember what Ham said: "If we give up our starting point: the Bible, we can only have the opposition's starting point: man's word."  Some people might try to stay "neutral", but that simply doesn't work.  We either stand on God's Word or man's word.  You decide.  As Dr. Ham said, "You're either for God or against God."
  Many people will insist science is evolution's ally.  It's the very opposite.  Science is CREATION'S greatest ally?  Why?  Look around.  Evolution states that over millions of years, animals evolved and GAINED information.  Wrong.  Animals, when they are born, get some information from both parents, but they don't get ALL information from each parent.  Thus, they don't gain, but they LOSE information.
  People could go on and on debating, but the point is that the Bible supports creation in many ways.  Here's a look at a few:
                       1.  We have melanin.  Descendants of Noah were scattered, their languages were confused, and they split up.  Some have a lot, some have little, and some are in between.  The Human Genome Project found research of all the genes, and they confirmed there is only ONE race: the human race.
                        2.  The forming of the Grand Canyon didn't take millions of years of rock layers to form.  It took 150 DAYS, less than a year.

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